learn java program to introduce the class string buffer where the previous class are string, character and stringbuffer.
class stringbuffer introduce the concept adopted in the data-data, the pointer of char from the C / C + +. Where the pointer data type is the implementation of dynamic-allocation of the use of a large number of variables if necessary, and removal of a variable if it is not required again at run-time.
STRINGBUFFER CLASS -> Model second pointer is to adopt the concept of char from the C / C + +. Where the pointer data type is the implementation of dynamic-allocation of the use of a large number of variables if necessary, and removal of a variable if it is not required again at run-time.
StringBuffer initialization
Unlike the string class, that data can only be in stringbuffer initialisation through constructor namely using the "NEW" command.
StringBuffer abc = new StringBuffer ( "Budi Luhur University - Jakarta");
The Example Program Stringbuffermay appear to use new, where the program stringbuffer class
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