2-dimensional array is a continuation of the 1-dimensional array in which the 2-dimensional array is a solution to resolve the java program error that can not be done with a 1-dimensional array is.
2 DIMENSIONAL ARRAY-> Lots of things that can not be solved with a 1-dimensional array. Examples: for applications such as matrix-shaped table where the table of metrics are appointed by both rows and columns in filling or taking data matrix. Thus necessary to solve the problem of 2-dimensional array.
Datatype[] [] name.var [= new daattype [number of rows] [number of coloums]];
Some ways to access the array variable
is a way that is used to fill, and retrieve data into an array variable.
* Fill the data into 2-dimensional array of variables is done by mentioning No.Rows and No.Coloums of the element to be filled.
Name_var [no_Rows] [no_Coloums] = data
* Importing data from 2-dimensional array used by No.Rows and No.Coloums mention of the array, which aims to save kesebuah variable or to print.
Name_var = name_var [no_Rows] [no_Coloums]
click the image below for details
this is the introduction of an array, which has some differences from the array 1 and array 2. java program starts from the simple.
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