Various applications on the Internet, which provides ease of application we are downloading a file more quickly, one with New Accelarator Plus (DAP) version 9.3. This program can install and use for free. [Note: There are several types of accelerator are paid.]
DAP uses the principle of divide (split) a file into several parts or segments (usually into 4 segments). And files that have been divided into 4 segments, DAP simultaneously (simultaneously) to download these files 4. In this way, performance in the download DAP can reach up to 4 times faster in the normal way.
With DAP, you can download various types of files downloaded both installers, videos, songs. Mp3, pdf ebook more quickly. Another advantage of the DAP is to find a file server that has access to high speed (if the file download is spread more than 1 server / site). And finally, if a file that you downloaded are large, and suddenly there is a failure in the middle path or broken connection, with feature Pause & Resume DAP we do not need to start re-downloading from scratch. Simply continuing the remaining files.
Download Herefor Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 9.3
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