Many people already use technology products. For example the internet, including internet technology, which is very powerful for all because people can easily search for various science-science in the world. But all of that is designed by people who have skills that are high and the never despair. Besides, we already unconsciously using the application to open a window on the internet. This application can be built from a variety of programs, but the java program will learn the basics of a java program. Many java program plays an important role in building various applications tiger. If you want to learn java, learn java program began early for a man who want to learn java. "Start from the history of java, a simple program in java and many other."
Introduction to Java and its Development
1991, was first launched as a general programming language (general purpose programming language). Initially to create tools-tools that have in the house (small customer embedded device), the step taken by Sun Microsystems is to create a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) which is then implemented in the form of a JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
JVM: Environment where the Java program execution takes place where the object of interacting with each other. That cause Java memory handling capabilities have a better, higher security and a large Portability. To run Java programs, just have the JRE only. But to develop the software themselves, JRE is not enough. To further improve the productivity of software developers, Sun also released the SDK (Standard Development Kit) which contains kakas and the API to create Java-based application program. Java was initially released J2SE, which is used to create standard applications.
In 1999, Sun launched a J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) as a framework for creating large-scale enterprise applications.
In 2001, Sun launched J2ME that was one of the standard programming in the mobile phone or PDA.
Java Programming Environment
Architecture on the Java Shared Section Three, is:
Class and Object
Class and is a design object is a manifestation of a class.
Class is abstract and the concrete object.
When we umpamakan T-shirt as a concrete object, the mold or model is a class that is abstract.
A component of Class (object)
is a process of class, in general, a java class is defined as follows:
class Name
That is a process where we make a design class and specify the data and method that will be owned by a class.
Make a class format based on the characteristics mentioned above:
class Circle
data: trellis
method: update fingers
Information trellis
Countdown knowledgeable
Calculated around
Introduction to Java and its Development
1991, was first launched as a general programming language (general purpose programming language). Initially to create tools-tools that have in the house (small customer embedded device), the step taken by Sun Microsystems is to create a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) which is then implemented in the form of a JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
JVM: Environment where the Java program execution takes place where the object of interacting with each other. That cause Java memory handling capabilities have a better, higher security and a large Portability. To run Java programs, just have the JRE only. But to develop the software themselves, JRE is not enough. To further improve the productivity of software developers, Sun also released the SDK (Standard Development Kit) which contains kakas and the API to create Java-based application program. Java was initially released J2SE, which is used to create standard applications.
In 1999, Sun launched a J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) as a framework for creating large-scale enterprise applications.
In 2001, Sun launched J2ME that was one of the standard programming in the mobile phone or PDA.

Java Programming Environment
Architecture on the Java Shared Section Three, is:
- Enterprise Java (J2EE) for web-based application, the application system spread with a wide range of clients with high complexity. Is a superset of the Java Standard.
- Standard Java (J2SE), usually known as the Java language, and our focus is now.
- Micro Java (J2ME) is a subset of J2SE and an application that is widely used for wireless devices / mobile devices.
- java program source code stored as ASCII text file.
- java source code files should be stored with the name .Java
- file name must be the same as the name of the class is defined in the file.
- source code is case sensitive.
- source code at compile into bytecode using the javac (java compiler) provided by the jdk (Java Development Kit).
- bytecode files (with extension. Class) executed using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in the Java Runtime Environment.
Class and Object
Class and is a design object is a manifestation of a class.
Class is abstract and the concrete object.
When we umpamakan T-shirt as a concrete object, the mold or model is a class that is abstract.
A component of Class (object)
- Data member (member data): the variables that represent characteristics of an object instance a circle object has the characteristics stated with fingers.
- Member function (member function): functions which manipulate the values in the data member. Function most often have the function of an object is to change and the value of data member object.
is a process of class, in general, a java class is defined as follows:
class Name
That is a process where we make a design class and specify the data and method that will be owned by a class.
Make a class format based on the characteristics mentioned above:
class Circle
data: trellis
method: update fingers
Information trellis
Countdown knowledgeable
Calculated around